* Tenmillion: UN Chapter VII 7/4/11
Below are the outstanding issues involving Iraq-Kuwait under Chapter 7 sanctions. The DFI account that was removed from Chapter 7 protection June 30, 2011, was only a part of UNSC 1483, Chapter 7. There are other outstanding issues under this resolution that will have to be fulfilled by Iraq.
Chapter 7 will remain in place until these are resolved. You will see an official document on the UNSC website stating that these issues have been resolved and terminated. Please do not believe any rumors stating Chapter 7 has been lifted unless it can be verified on the UN website below.
UNSC website http://www.un.org/Docs/sc/
Kuwait issues under UNSC Resolution 1483 CHAPTER 7
6. Calls upon the Authority and relevant organizations and individuals to continue efforts to locate, identify, and repatriate all Kuwaiti and Third-State Nationals or the remains of those present in Iraq on or after 2 August 1990, as well as the Kuwaiti archives, that the previous Iraqi regime failed to undertake, and, in this regard, directs the High-Level Coordinator, in consultation with the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Tripartite Commission and with the appropriate support of the people of Iraq and in coordination with the Authority, to take steps to fulfil his mandate with respect to the fate of Kuwaiti and Third-State National missing persons and property;
Compensation to Kuwait
UNSC Resolution 1483 Compensation to Kuwait http://www.un.org/Docs/sc/unsc_resolutions03.html
21. Decides further that 5 per cent of the proceeds referred to in paragraph 20 above shall be deposited into the Compensation Fund established in accordance with resolution 687 (1991) and subsequent relevant resolutions and that, unless an internationally recognized, representative government of Iraq and the Governing Council of the United Nations Compensation Commission, in the exercise of its authority over methods of ensuring that payments are made into the Compensation Fund, decide otherwise, this requirement shall be binding on a properly constituted, internationally recognized, representa tive government of Iraq and any successor thereto ;
On 28 April the UNCC made $880 million available to the Kuwaiti government for distribution to nine successful claimants. The payment brings the overall amount of compensation made available to date by the UNCC globally to $32.2 billion. However, an outstanding balance of approximately $20 billion remains owed to Kuwait.
Kuwait-Iraq Border Issues
Under United Nations (UN) Security Council Resolution 687, after the restoration of Kuwaiti sovereignty in 1991, a UN commission undertook formal demarcation of the borders on the basis of those agreed to in 1963. The boundary was demarcated in 1992, but Iraq refuses to accept the commission’s findings.
UNSC 687 Kuwait-Iraq Border Demarcation
Read more….. LINK
UNSC Resolution 833 May 27, 1993 LINK
5. Demands that Iraq and Kuwait in accordance with international laws and international boundary, as demarcated by the Commission, and the right to navigational access;
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