Thursday, June 30, 2011

Found this on the net, it is NOT my work so read for yourself...

This is pretty clear "revalue the remaining foreign currency" "Diversify currency composition" & "remove exchange restrictions" Does it get any plainer!!!!!

Revalue the remaining foreign currency denominated balance sheet items!


I have reviewed in some detail the requisite criteria for the restructuring and implementation of the Central government investment accounts under the PFM Public Financial management System as mandated by the MOF and coordinated with the IMF & World Bank. The process is somewhat skewed given that the plan methodology is integrated with the Iraq 2011 Budget which as we all know has fluctuated pro forma income and production projections with the contributory oil pricing variable. With these in mind, one should also bear in mind that the Iraq economic policy has experienced delays in their capital budget primarily due to the political uncertainties as noted in the IMF report (noted below).

The key components of production increases, pricing and large investments in the oil infrastructure have reduced the 2011 budget deficit while allowing for an increase in more transparent government finance activities. This trend toward a surplus position in the following years is realistic and will put government finances on a sustainable footing to help rebuild the government’s financials.
I believe that the revaluation we are looking for is more than clearly defined and outlined in the letter of intent to the IMF: “Iraq: Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, and Technical Memorandum of Understanding”

1.We have worked with IMF staff to complete the review of exchange laws and regulations and are considering measures to remove the identified exchange restrictions on current international transactions.

2. In this regard, we formed a Bank Reconciliation Unit that comprises technical level staff from the banks, the CBI and the Ministry of Finance, and with the assistance of Ernst and Young (who were the agents of the Ministry of Finance in the external debt restructuring process) to: (i) deal with all legacy external liabilities taking into account the government’s actions in the context of Iraq’s external debt restructuring (ii) indentify and propose to write-off non-performing loans to defunct state-owned enterprises; (iii) propose a course of action for other remaining unreconciled accounts; and (iv) after the balance sheets have been cleaned up, revalue the remaining foreign currency denominated balance sheet items.
3. The CBI will follow the guidelines to diversify currency composition and establish an appropriate duration and credit risk profile, and build capacity for risk analysis.

I encourage everyone to review this letter and contrast its content to the economic reality of revaluation as not just a pipe dream but a documented FACT as outlined.