Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sadr is two phone calls with Maliki, Allawi to resolve their differences

Sadr is two phone calls with Maliki, Allawi to resolve their differences 

Thursday 16 حزيران 2011 14:54 GMT

Alsumaria News / Najaf 

Source confirmed the Office of the martyr al-Sadr in Najaf on Thursday that the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr held two connections separately with both Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the Iraqi leader Ayad Allawi in an effort to resolve their differences. 

The source said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", that "Muqtada al-Sadr held a telephone conversation with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to discuss the general situation in the country," he said, adding that "the two sides discussed the developments in the political landscape in the country and its developments and the need to resolve differences between the politicians." 

The other hand, said the source, who requested anonymity, that "al-Sadr held a telephone conversation last with the leader of the Iraqi List, Iyad Allawi discussed through the course of the political process and the developments of the landscape in the country," asserting that "al-Sadr to discuss with Allawi purify the political atmosphere and resolving issues outstanding to find a suitable platform for the process of progress and construction in the country. " 

The leader of the Sadrist movement declared its readiness, earlier, to mediate between the Iraqi List and a coalition of state law to reach a solution to the obstacles and differences between Alhanpin. 

The lawmakers walked out of the Iraqi List of the meeting of the Council of Representatives, on 13 June, in protest against what happened in Tahrir Square on Friday, and to keep the security ministries vacant, even now, as well as for the attack on MP Haider Mulla, threatened to sue the Attorney Kamal Saadi unless the Dawa Party position on the subject. 

The MP for the rule of law, Kamal Saadi and the representative of the Iraqi List Haider Mulla clashed with hands inside the parliament building against the backdrop of major escalation between state law and the Iraqi List, and their leaders, since launching the Iraqi leader Iyad Allawi, last Friday, a scathing attack on Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, after he had been humiliated by his pictures in Tahrir Square to the charge of the implementation of crime wedding Dujail Firas Jubouri by the families of victims and other supporters of the Dawa Party in the event said that the government has supported, and Allawi described the elements of the Dawa Party led by al-Maliki as "bats of darkness," warning "policy gagged and dictatorship, the new . 

Saw Tahrir Square in central Baghdad, last Friday, two events different, the first organized hundreds of belonging to a number of tribes to demand the execution of the perpetrators of an incident of Dujail and the emphasis on government support and was joined by supporters of the Dawa Party, and the second organized by hundreds of residents of Baghdad, demanding the destruction of the government and condemning the performance of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki , punctuated by scuffles between the parties. 

The pro-government protesters tearing down pictures of the Iraqi leader Iyad Allawi's list and hit her shoes, as well as the burning of some of the other and threw some shoes. 

And spin differences between the Iraqi List and the National Alliance on some of the terms of the Erbil, including the draft Law on the Council strategy policies and higher, and most important of these differences mechanism of selection of the President of the Council, as the demands of the Iraqi List to be the mechanism of choice in the House of Representatives, which rejected the National Alliance and demanded to be within the body that are within the National Council for strategic policy and status enjoyed by the person who chairs the Council's powers and whether it would be described as general secretary or president. 

The head of Iraq's Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, in September 2010, an initiative on resolving the political crisis in Iraq include the formation of a committee of between eight and twelve representatives of the political blocs to begin talks to form a new government and work to resolve outstanding differences, and convening meetings of the expanded leaders to resolve the issue of the three presidencies . 

The head of Iraq's Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, launched in September 2010, an initiative on resolving the political crisis in Iraq include the formation of a committee of between eight and twelve representatives of the political blocs to begin talks to form a new government and work to resolve outstanding differences, and convening meetings of the expanded leaders to resolve the issue of presidencies three. 
