Monday, May 30, 2011

Dabbagh: Ongoing threats to withdraw harm political process

Dabbagh: Ongoing threats to withdraw harm political process

Monday, May 30, 2011 11:58 GMT

Iraqi Cabinet stressed on Sunday that the ongoing threats to withdraw from the political process does serve neither the political process nor those who threaten to withdraw and added that there are a considerable controversy on the political level. The government said that the issue of security ministries is not a problem anymore because Al Iraqiya List candidate is accepted by Maliki.

State Minister and Government Spokesman Ali Al Dabbagh told Alsumarianews “threatening to withdraw from the political process does serve neither the political process nor those who threaten”. “Solutions that were reached due to Barazani agreement enclose the majority of the problems and what is left is the National Strategy Policy Council which needs further efforts in order to narrow the points of view”, he said.

“Al Iraqiya List deems that National Strategy Policy Council has competences while other don’t share the same point of view and say that it is a council to ripen the policies”, he added. “The different points of view caused this subject to be delayed”, Dabbagh said. “The political controversy is considerable”, he uttered.

“The ongoing meetings will narrow the points of view however they should not take a long time”, he said and stressed that it is important to find a starting point to put an end to this chapter which creates concerns and crises for Iraq.

The issue of security ministries is not a problem anymore because the candidate of Al Iraqiya List is approved by Maliki. The participation of Al Iraqiya List Ministers in the national partnership government is the most important step. National Strategy Policy Council is another important issue but it needs solutions and compromises.

Al Iraqiya List said on Saturday that the meeting of political blocs scheduled on Monday will be decisiove as to national partnership or the collapse of the political process. The List added that failing to reach partnership according to Irbil agreement articles means the collapse of trust between the political forces and the government. The List also called to present the agreement in the parliament in order to disclose its importance and how dangerous it would be to renounce it.